Last week, we explored the idea of servant-hood, and what it might look like to apply Mark 10:43 to the creative spheres. (Click here to read..) Basically, it's about doing what you do, with a view to be a blessing to people, and building and creating culture that serves the needs of the people in our community, as opposed to serving our egos & bank accounts. (For some, the best way to do this is simply by finding their own creative voice, and sharing it!)
Of course, there are many “needs” in society. Within the realms of the arts & the media, I've written down what I think some of those needs are. They are in no particular order, and are certainly not exhaustive.In fact, I'm hoping you can add your own thoughts in the comments below!
I think the world needs:
Music that entertains, pleases the ear canals, and the mental & emotional pallet
Good, new indie rock bands
Artists of all kinds that are authentically themselves, that push themselves, artistic boundaries, and move and stretch their audience
Voices that speak prophetically into our culture, and address (for example) “justice issues”
Good music (of all genres... and even genres yet to be created?!)
Pop music
Rock music
And given that there will always be pop stars and rap stars.....We could do with pop/rap stars that know how to live well, have fun, love Jesus, and be cool. Essentially, good “role models”.
(Eg Singers that don't lie naked on their album covers, pay lip service to God, and allow themselves to be marketed to pre-teens.)
More films/TV series/books that entertain AND engage viewers, while exploring deep themes that give meaning to human existence (for example.... love, romance, sacrifice, overcoming adversity, etc)
Fiction, fantasy, comic, suspense thriller books that explore above said themes, and more...*
Visual art that makes the world, our churches and our living rooms, beautiful.
Visual art that stirs & confronts us out of our comfort zone.
TV stations/Media companies that will be selective in who they give air time to. (no soft porn at 4pm please. I'm hoping to have kids some day.)
Entertainment that is uplifting and fun.Jokes that make adults laughJokes that make children laugh
Jokes that make adults and children laugh (admittedly a hard task!)
Entertainers of all types that are role models that speak up for good causes from time to time
Prayers prayed for Justin Bieber (seriously)
Pop music
Rock music
And given that there will always be pop stars and rap stars.....We could do with pop/rap stars that know how to live well, have fun, love Jesus, and be cool. Essentially, good “role models”.
(Eg Singers that don't lie naked on their album covers, pay lip service to God, and allow themselves to be marketed to pre-teens.)
More films/TV series/books that entertain AND engage viewers, while exploring deep themes that give meaning to human existence (for example.... love, romance, sacrifice, overcoming adversity, etc)
Fiction, fantasy, comic, suspense thriller books that explore above said themes, and more...*
Visual art that makes the world, our churches and our living rooms, beautiful.
Visual art that stirs & confronts us out of our comfort zone.
TV stations/Media companies that will be selective in who they give air time to. (no soft porn at 4pm please. I'm hoping to have kids some day.)
Entertainment that is uplifting and fun.Jokes that make adults laughJokes that make children laugh
Jokes that make adults and children laugh (admittedly a hard task!)
Entertainers of all types that are role models that speak up for good causes from time to time
Prayers prayed for Justin Bieber (seriously)
Artists that honour, respect, learn and master the traditions found in their art-forms and then build on them, adopting various old forms, adapting them, and then innovating, pushing and progressing the art form forward in new ways
Prayers prayed for all celebrities that you've recently judged
News that informs and doesn't merely “entertain”
Pastors that will care for, and guide people into what God has called them to do - (both outside and inside the church walls)
The continuation of the "Renaissance" of the Arts that is happening within the church at largeMagazines that explore a whole range of sciences, arts, and other human endeavors
Blogs (like this one), that inform, educate and equip readers (and entertain if need be)
The world definitely needs good fashion
Skinny jeans
And even though most aren't aware, the greatest need that the world has is to hear the gospel contextualized
Prayers prayed for all celebrities that you've recently judged
News that informs and doesn't merely “entertain”
Pastors that will care for, and guide people into what God has called them to do - (both outside and inside the church walls)
The continuation of the "Renaissance" of the Arts that is happening within the church at largeMagazines that explore a whole range of sciences, arts, and other human endeavors
Blogs (like this one), that inform, educate and equip readers (and entertain if need be)
The world definitely needs good fashion
Skinny jeans
And even though most aren't aware, the greatest need that the world has is to hear the gospel contextualized
What would you say are some of the worlds “needs” within the realms of the Media and the Arts?
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