Thursday, September 12, 2013

One Side of the Coin

Just for a change, I thought I'd look at a few Scriptures that deal with a particular topic – and put them out there.

The Word of God is clear that we should be ready to share about Christ, communicate the gospel with people as we have an opportunity.

Mark 16:15 says “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” (NLT)

The gospel = good news!!!

Should we preach with our lives? Or share Christ with our words? Well... both!!

Peter, who spends time telling us that our lives should be a witness to non-believers* also says this to us:

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience..” (1 Peter 3:15-16a)

There have been times, both at home and on mission trips overseas, where I've felt prompted to share random things to random people along spiritual lines, and it's fallen flat. Other times, I've shared about God/Jesus or spiritual matters, and it's had a great effect! On one occasion, I started a spiritual conversation with a person on the street based on a 'prompting', and later that afternoon I had the privilege of leading Him to Christ! I've also had times when I've felt like I should talk to someone about Christ or something to do with my faith, and I've done nothing. I've decided to let those memories inspire me to share with people next time.

But the bottom line is that Jesus commission to His disciples back then, is His commission to us today:

“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” (Mark 16:15)

Matthew 28:18-20 is another passage that we'll explore in future blogs.

Until then, keep going hard... doing what it is God has called you to do!

*1 Peter 2:12, 15, 3:16

Monday, July 1, 2013


So, it's been a while. But is that a reason not to start again? It's been a while since you've done that thing you meant to do... what thing you ask? You know, that thing! That habit, that practice schedule, that exercise or gym program, that thing, that idea that you should spend regular time with a family member... What ever that thing was for you, there's always a time to get back on track, and that time is now!

But it's too late...”

It's never too late to pick up where you left off. A new habit can and will change your life! Never “despise the day of small beginnings”.

I've tried it, but I just don't have the discipline...”

Discipline, like many characteristics, can be cultivated/developed. Sure we've all had our weak moments, but look ahead, don't get discouraged about what is behind you. Start somewhere right now.

But I don't want to”

You do want to. You're the one that decided to do it back then. If there's even an inkling of a desire to do that thing, then water that desire right now. Fan the flame by acting on it. Why not close facebook on your computer, go and take a step to pick up that habit again...

As I write this, it's the start of a new “financial year”. What better excuse to get back into it? To train, to learn, to practise, to pray... what was the habit YOU were wanting to develop at the start of the year? Do it. :)

What inspired this as a topic? I'm glad you asked.

Yesterday, which happened to be Sunday, the 30th June, I was driving from Toowoomba back to Brisbane. Before I left, I created a playlist on my phone, which included some podcasts and one of them really struck me. Out of all the podcasts I could have listened to, I chose one called “10 Ways to Generate More Blog-Traffic”. In hindsight, to me it seems weird that I picked that one.

As you will notice, I've had this blog site for several years now, and, (as you will also notice) my blog posts have not always been consistent. I haven't published one of my “monthly” blogs for over 2 years. I love writing, but I've never been that keen on the idea of trying to “generate” more blog-traffic, mainly because I don't like the idea of “self-promotion”, and have often thought that “the people that need to find me will find me”. Still, I listened through the entire podcast about how to "generate more blog-traffic", and one of the messages that came through loud and clear, was the importance of blogging CONSISTENTLY. (Just like that thing you need to do will need to be done consistently in the future.) You need good content (says Michael Hyatt), but it needs to be delivered regularly.

This made sense to me... and while driving, I began to plan to write a blog the next morning!

“BACK ON TRACK” were the first words that came to mind...

AS YOU get back on track... DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED.

I have had an S3 phone for a while now, which makes me an Android user. One thing I love about Android,  is the 'widgets' that you can use, and my FAVOURITE, hands-down, is the “verse of the day” display I have on my home-screen.

In the midst of all of my brains activity, my busyness, my lack of ability to sleep right now, and my discouragement at my lack of progress on so many fronts, the Bible app speaks right to me.

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

God bless, see you next month.