"Holy Ghost" is a recently released movie by film-maker Darren Williams. One section in particular features some surprising guests, that have some profound things to say about the arts. These are well worth reading right through:
Brian "Head" Welch:
"You know for so long - cos I was in the world forever you know.. it was like.. those are Christian people, they're all goody goodies, and they do everything right and.. they're over their [points to the side]. They're in their bubble, Christian music, Christian award shows, Christian.. everything and I just think right now.. I totally think that those walls should come down.. you don't gotta be in a country club to be a Christian.. Jesus said go out into all the world, how are you supposed to go out into all the world when you're in your bubble?"
Michael W. Smith
"So yeah, I know that my music which has been a part of Contemporary Christian Music has changed countless lives, and I'm greatful for that, but I also think... I'm not sure that we're having a whole lot of impact on our culture, and that's what bothers me about it."
Lenny Kravitz
"I don't want to follow the world, but I'm in the world. I'm from the street, and I learned and grew up in the street, I still love the streets, and I have a lot of passion for folks out in the street. We're all here to do our thing where God wants us to be and my place happens to be where it is in the world of music and rock and roll and I may reach people where others can't, and they reach people that I can't."
Gary Wilson
"What the world doesn't need are more Christian artists, what we need are more artists who have their Christianity intact, and really understand what it means to be a follower of Jesus. What it means to be a follower of Jesus does not mean to sit in the church, Sunday after Sunday and be good, and be sweet and be polite. We are called to go out into the world. I think one thing that the Western church lacks, is courage. And then you've got those people out there on the Edges.. and many Christians would [say] you know 'you shouldn't be involved in that heavy metal', or whatever the thing is, you know, heavy rap, or whatever.. but that's where the lions live, that's where the natives are, you know. We need people who when they go out there they're creating work that is birthed out love. Listen, art that doesn't have the presence of God in it is idolatry. And what we want is to bring the presence of God to the world.
The world isn't going to come inside church, the church has to go into the world."
Holy Ghost is available on DVD now.
Holy Ghost is available on DVD now.
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