Wednesday, May 13, 2015

How to Stay Refueled for Your Creative Journey, Part 1

There are a few topics I'm scared to write about. This is one of them. Why? Because whenever I write about a topic like this, just like when I wrote about prayer a while ago, there's three fingers pointing back at me. However, when I feel the nudge to write about something, it's usually for a reason. Read Part 1 and Part 2 right now, and I think you'll be inspired!

Speaking of things that are inspiring, I have a part-time job that I really enjoy. However, the main reason I do this job is because I have bills to pay. To get paid, I have to send away a time-sheet regularly. If I don't submit it by a particular time, I don't get paid. Each week I am highly motivated to take the necessary time to send it in! Unfortunately, when it comes to our relationship with God, if we neglect to make it a priority, the effects may not be quite as obvious as a missed pay-cheque, at least for a little while.

But when we take the time to connect with God, and refuel on Him and His Word, life is so much better! This is about so much more than dry spiritual disciplines...

Think about this: Paul McCartney is a pretty cool dude. If he happened to be in your part of town tonight, and requested your company for dinner, would you say no? I know I wouldn't!!!

This week, the Person that gave Sir Paul his talents wants to spend time with you. Will you say no?

The Holy Spirit is the most creative being on the planet. The more connected we are with Him as a person, the the better off we'll be in our own vocation, whatever that may be. This is one reason why our relationship with God is so important.

How do you refuel in your relationship with God? If there's any particular way that is working for you at the moment, please share it in the comment section below! You never know, your answer might help inspire someone else! (Part 2 in this mini-series is coming right up.)

1 comment:

  1. I asked this question to some friends last night, and here's a some of their replies:
    -do things with God/involve God in everything I do, eg go for a run!
    -make a choice to do it.
    -Make sure I'm doing the last thing God told me to do...
    -You can't "refuel" unless your empty!
    -make sure your doing what God's called you to do
    -steward/make use of what you have already
    -listen to podcasts/sermons
    -when I'm angry/frustrated at people, look for things to be grateful for, then negative attitudes begin to disappear!
