Monday, July 19, 2010

Post for 6th July [email #1..]

6th July 2008

So... God and the arts. Your called to be an artist aye? The answer is yes. Maybe you know that you are creative in some way, but you are still trying to figure out how it fits in with your life goals. Maybe you know for sure that you are called to the arts/entertainment sphere, and called to greatness in that area. Maybe you already call yourself a "film-maker". Maybe you are writing songs, and wanting to record them. Maybe you design clothes, or maybe you design computer software. If you are heading somewhere in the creative arts, or the entertainment industry, this message is for you. My encouragement to you, is that you read and respond to this.

My vision is to see Christians rise up and take over the arts and the entertainment sphere in our society. I believe that we can do this if we passionately pursue God, and if we passionately pursue our call.

6th July 2010

So, over 2 years ago, I had the idea to begin writing a monthly email/devotional/letter. To people who are called to the media/arts area of society. If you are one of those people, if you work in the entertainment industry, or if you feel like you might some day, then hopefully this will encourage you. My goal is to encourage you in your walk with your God, and to pursue His purpose for your life.

I want to talk to you about a topic that's important. I want to talk to you about prayer, but I want to talk to you about it in a way that's a bit different... I want to encourage you to see it in a different way. I want to encourage you to see prayer as simply "Spending time with God".

No matter what you've been up to today, God wants to spend time with you. God is big and incredible, but He is also incredibly personable. He wants to spend time with you today as a friend.

The bible says that God spoke to Moses face to face "as a man talks to his friend". (Ex 33:11) 2 Corinthians 3 says that we have a better convenant than the one Moses had!

Life can get busy. Things we meant to do, disciplines we meant to put in place can have a habit of slipping away... But just relax. If you stop for a moment and tune into the Spirit, you may be suprised to hear what He says... and where He leads you. He may lead you to go for a walk tonight with Him, just to talk. He may lead you to spend some time reading the Word today. Not sure where to start? Can I suggest reading Mark 1. Or John 1.. and go from there.

Just do what He puts on your heart, because He wants to spend time with you.

God bless,


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