Friday, December 17, 2010

Creative Arts & Media - Email #5 (Nov)

So I listened to the radio... 

The other day I went to the gym for my semi-regular work-out session... I went there on a Thursday morning, and for some reason, I was the only one that was there! I didn't mind this, in fact I was happy to have the gym to myself. The radio was blaring, so as I sometimes do, I reached into my pocket, grabbed my mp3 player/phone, and put my head-phones in place. At that moment though, I changed my mind and decided to listen to the radio for a while, just to see what's being played these days. (I try to do that every so often.) I put my headphones back in my pocket, and walked towards the big stereo at the side of the gym, wondering which radio station I'd like to tune in to. Then my ears started to tune in and listen in to the song that was playing, and was more than a little put-off... It was a pop-punk style song, and several times in a row, these were the words that were blaring out:

"She sounds like sex on the radio".

So I switched the radio off.

I was angry, but also suprised and saddened. I wasn't so much angry at the singer for singing it (although in my view, it's a bit immature...) More the fact that this song had made it to the radio, where a lot of people, including young people, would hear it. (It definitely wasn't a far-out indie station!) And still today, I don't care who sings the song, I don't care what he means by it, or which context he's singing that line. For a record company to market a song like that, and for a radio station to broadcast it, is irresponsible.

Now I know that 10 years ago, a song became popular on the radio that went: "We started making out, and she took off my pants, and then I turned on the tv..." And that was around 10 years ago. (If you're shocked by me writing out these lyrics, I apoligize. These songs have been on public radio stations, so please forgive me for quoting them here to try to make a point.) But the line I heard the other day in the gym... even shocked me.

My point is, that little by little, things seem to be getting worse. The standard for what's generally accepted isn't exactly being raised. And by the way, in case your wondering, I didn't bother turning the radio in the gym back on when I'd finished! I had several music options on my mp3 player: I didn't feel like listening to Kings of Leon, their new album is a bit flat anyway. I decided to put put one of Henry's songs on. He's much cooler than anyone else on the radio... (Right now, I have to mention that there are a lot of people who are doing a fantastic job getting their music out there, that are doing it the right way. Brook Fraser is a good example.)

You might ask, what's the point of the above story? Isn't this just the way it is? Doesn't the bible say that lawlessness will increase, and that things are going to get worse and worse before Jesus finally comes back? Well, it does, but that's only a part of the truth. The bible does say that things will get bad. If the bible is true, then we can expect some pretty crazy things to happen in the future! (Eg: Matt 24:5-15, Daniel 11:30-33, 2 Tim 3:13,4:3-4, Revelation) However, at the same time though, the bible is packed full of things describing what God's people should be doing during those times! Daniel 11:32 sums it up really well. Even if we are surrounded by evil, Daniel 11:32 says: "the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits." (NKJV, Italics mine.)

Dominion Part 1

I still love this Scripture:

Isaiah 60:1-3:

Arise, shine; for your light has come,
And the glory of the Lord has risen upon you.
For behold, darkness will cover the earth
And deep darkness the peoples;
But the Lord will rise upon you
And His glory will appear upon you.
Nations will come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.” (NASB)

This verse basically says that even though "deep darkness" covers the peoples, with God's help, HIS people will be a great influence in the world today.

As we pursue the presence of God, as we seek to become more like Him, as we follow Christ, and work hard using what we have in our hands, we will see this come to pass.

There are plenty of examples in the bible of men and women of God who were placed in positions of great influence, even thought the world around them was far from following God. Esther is just one example of someone who was given great influence “for such a time as this”. Joseph became 2 I.C in Egypt, and Daniel became 2 I.C in Babylon. What do Egypt and Babylon represent in Scripture? Sin/the world/the devil's kingdom... you get the idea.
There are heaps more Scriptures that talk about the church (us believers) gaining a place of influence in society. Jesus put it simply though. He says: “You are the salt of the earth” and “You are the light of the earth”.

He also taught us to pray: "Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven."

What would happen if the kingdom of God came to the media? Would all the forms of media that we have today disapear? I don't believe that! I believe that the way the media is used would change! I believe that the music and the message that is conveyed would be changed! I believe that the Spirit behind the media would change!!!

If God's kingdom were to come to the media, basically, people would be running it the way Jesus would. We've been hearing for years now that God wants to use us where ever we are, in our daily lives. He wants to use us as we talk with our neighbours, as we go shopping, and in our work places. This means that where ever you are, God wants to use you:

-to bless those around you. To be a "witness" through your deeds and words

-to do the right thing, to make wise, ethical decisions that benefit society in general

-to make righteous decisions, where ever you are.

So why couldn't this happen in the media?

I've known of people that have gone and worked for MTV. They made it there because God called them! While they were there, their work and their decision making benifited the kingdom of God!!! 

We are called to action! We are called to take "dominion" of different areas of society, and I believe that the media is definitely one of them. (If you want to slowly shape peoples mindsets and opinions, the media is one of the best ways to do it! No, it's not the only way, but that's what I'm choosing to focus on at the moment.)

We should never forget the principles of John 15, but it is up to us to take action, and take dominion. Stay connected to believers, stay connected to your leaders, stay “submitted” (not a dirty word) and stay accountable to people around you. Then go for it!!!

So shall they fear
The name of the LORD from the west,
And His glory from the rising of the sun;
When the enemy comes in like a flood,

The Spirit of the LORD will lift up a standard against him.” (Isaiah 59:11, NKJV)

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Creative Arts & Media - Email #4 (October)

Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
for your law is not obeyed.”
(Psalm 119:136)

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkess is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.”
(Isaiah 60:1-2)

These days, it's beyond a cliché to talk about the “moral decay” that we're seeing. Obviously, it's not a new thing. “There is nothing new under the sun” the bible says. But there are some things that do seem to be a bit more prominent than they used to be. For the first time the other day, I watched “The X-Factor”, (an Aussie TV show that is kind of like “Britain's got talent”), on prime-time TV. They had a guest performance by a female pop duo, they had a whole crew of people on stage with them, not wearing a whole lot, and some of the main lyrics to their song was “I can do you like that”.

If I had kids, I wouldn't want them seeing any of it (especially if I had girls).

MySpace sent me an update email last month, I didn't have to scroll far down to see a picture of Katy Perry naked covered by a cloud. It made me concerned again about what young people are seeing and listening to, especially after hearing that her latest album and accompanying single is called “Teenage Dream.”

Just over a month ago, I came across this Scripture, and it's come to me a few times since then:

Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
for your law is not obeyed.”
(Psalm 119:136)

I can imagine the writer of this Psalm seeing what's going around him, and he's crying because he's seeing people hurting themselves, their families, and others around them.

A lot of the images that many music and television producers choose to put out these days is not exactly – let's say “family friendly”. It's nothing new, but it's certainly getting more blatant. When I read the above verse in Psalm 119, it made me think of the Christians out there working in the world of media. I believe that Ezra (possibly the writer of the verse) would sympathize with us today. Let's be encouraged by some of the other things he wrote in the same chapter though:

Oh, how I love your law!
I meditate on it all day long.” (verse 97)

Your commands make me wiser than my enemies...” (verse 98)

You are my refuge and my shield;
I have put my hope in your word” (verse 114)

Because I love your commands more than gold...
and because I consider all your precepts right,
I hate every wrong path.
Your statutes are wonderful;
therefore I obey them.” (verses 127-129)

Make your face shine upon your servant
and teach me your decrees.” (verse 135)

Then thinking of those around him, he says:

“Streams of tears flow from my eyes,
for your law is not obeyed.” (verse 136)

But goes on to say things like...

Your promises have been thoroughly tested,
and your servant loves them...” (verse 140)

...your commands are my delight.” (verse 143)

Even in the midst of all the sin and stuff that's going on, this guys meditates on God's word, and seeks God's help. He loves God's promises, and delights in what He says. Even with all that's happening around him, he says that God's word is a lamp to his feet and a light for his path (verse 105).

Basically, this message is a call to purity. It's a call to stick with what you believe. It's a call to cling to biblical truth. It's a call to not compromise.

Hold on to your integrity, and you won't live to regret it. Don't get drunk. Don't lie or gossip. Don't cheat or steal, or put yourself in potentially compromising situations. Jesus said “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again?” (Matthew 5:13)

Don't stress or worry about the people out there that are Christians (or say that they're Christians) that you believe are compromising, or living a bad example. God's got their number, and he can take care of them. The best that we can do is take care of ourselves.*

And I want to talk about something else...

The bible says “do not be unequally yoked”*. A lot of people believe this means don't go out with a non-Christian. That is true, but it means a lot of other things too. I believe you can apply this to all relationships.

The picture that this Scripture paints is of two oxen that are ploughing a field. They are “yoked" together, which means that if one ox decides to pull in a different direction, then either the yoke will break, or the other one has to give in and follow. Let's put it this way: Think of someone that you have a relationship with. If they're going off-track, how will it affect take you? The obvious example is a husband/wife/boyfriend or girlfriend. The obvious application is if you shouldn't marry or date a non-believer, because if they're heading in a different direction, then it will either jeopordise your relationship with them, or your ability to follow God's leading. Now think of your close friends and partners. If they decide to move in a different direction, how will it affect you? Obviously we shouldn't cut all ties with non-believers, but think about the fact that the bible says...

“Do not be unequally yoked.”*

If the partnerships and close friendships in your life are leading you away from Christ and away from the church, then you need to re-consider those relationships. You need to hang out with Christians regularly. God will lead you in this. He will connect you in. All you need to do is overcome your pride. He will do the rest. The church needs to become your “re-fueling station” for doing whatever you are called. Sure the church is changing, but you need to choose to plug in. It's worth it, I promise.

I believe that the church has really begun to step up as a light to the world. Jesus words in Matthew 5:14 are truer now than ever. This passage in Isaiah speaks about it:

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkess is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.”
(Isaiah 60:1-2)

Let's stand strong in our beliefs and convictions. Let's not become like the world, let's model to the world what they long to become.

*If however you have a good relationship with someone, and you see them going off-track,  then that's a different story. You are then able to speak to them about what's going on. What I'm saying though, is if you see someone out there doing something that you don't believe is right, don't worry or stress about them. Pray for them, and let God take care of them.
** 2 Cor 6:14 (NKJV) Read the whole verse for maximum effect.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Creative Arts & Media - Email #3: Influence & The House Of God

The other day, I was doing a bible college assignment on the book of Ephesians - (it's a fantastic book, you should read it some time.) I ended up reading a story in Acts that talks about the Ephesian church (chap 19), and as I read it, a few things really stuck out to me. I want to share some thoughts with you, and I pray that this speaks to you in some way. This is a bit rough, but I'm sure this will make at least some sense to you:).

Have you ever been to a rock concert where it seemed like the lead singer had the audience “in the palm of his hand”? You might have seen this influence used for good, or maybe you've seen it used for not so good! In Acts chapter 19, a whole crowd of people was influenced in a direction that wasn't so good...

Let's look at the story in Acts 19, picking it up in verse 29.

Soon the whole city was in an uproar... The people rushed as one man into the theater” (Acts 19:29)

That's a pretty big riot. Imagine a whole city, all moving in the same direction (yet still in chaos – see v32). Sounds crazy!!

Let's look at the context of this verse: At this time, God was on the move in the region. People were getting baptized in the Holy Spirit, “exraordinary miracles” were happening, people were repenting, the church was growing... Things were going well. Have you ever had a little bit of opposition come your way when things things are going well?

It's not really a suprise then that in verse 23 it says that “About that time there arose a great disturbance about the Way [the Christian faith].”

And how did this great disturbance take place? It was started by an artist named Demetrius.

Demetrius was a craftsman. He was a silver-smith who made shrines (small statues) of one of their gods/idols called “Artemis”. He was a very influential person, as we soon find out. He held a meeting, gathered the other craftsmen together, and told them of the “danger” to their business, that Paul's message was presenting.

Verse 28: “When they heard this, they were furious and began shouting: “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians”.”

So Demetrius managed to get a small group of people – let's say, an artistic community – to join his side.

Then the very next verse says:

Soon the whole city was in an uproar. The people seized Gaius and Aristarchus, Paul's traveling companions from Macedonia, and rushed as one man into the theater.”

This small group of artists had such an influence, that they sent the whole city into an uproar, and they all rushed “as one man” into the theater. (The rest of the story is very interesting. Again, it's Acts 19. Have a read some time...)

I believe the time is coming when artists in the church will have that kind of influence, and you and I are called to be a part of it. (Let's be a part of the revival part of the story though – not the working against God part!)

This week, I started thinking about the little artistic community in this story. I began wondering where the other “artistic communities” are in the bible – that were doing their art for God.

The first example I thought of was Bezalel and his crew in the Old Testament. It's a classic Scripture:

Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with skill, ability and knowledge in all kinds of crafts- to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, to cut and set stones, to work in wood, and to engage in all kinds of craftsmanship. Moreover, I have appointed Oholiab son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, to help him. Also I have given skill to all the craftsmen to make everything I have commanded you

Bezalel was filled with the Holy Spirit – the most incredible, powerful, creative being in the universe today. He had “skill, ability and knowledge” that came from God. It also says that God gave “skill to all the craftsmen to make everything I have commanded you” (v6)

In this passage, and the chapters that follow, we see that the craftsmen aligned themselves with anointed leadership (in this case, Moses). Moses helped them find their God-given role... And from there, they employed their skills to build something that God was building. The work continued in Ex 31 and 35-40. As a result of this, God came in power!!! (Exodus 40:34)

We would do well to learn from these guys. Align yourself with an anointed, apostolic leader (or leaders), and get serving. Bring your gifts to the family table, and see what happens. In the kingdom, submission is an incredible blessing! Like the men in the above story, we would do well to use our gifts and talents to build whatever God is building. It's another classic Scripture, but Jesus said in Matthew 16:18, “I will build my church”. So guess where the best place is to go?

I believe, deep down inside of me, that God is taking back the arts and the media for His kingdom, and His purposes and that the church will once again be a leader in those areas. People will be drawn from far off to hear and to see the incredible songs that are sung in His house, and it will all be for His glory.

The bottom line is, join a church. It's better to join a bad church than none at all. Of course, I'm not saying that we shouldn't get out into the marketplace as God calls... but God's kingdom comes first. And what's the primary way that God is bringing the kingdom to earth? It's through His church!

...God's household, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.” (1 Timothy 3:15)

Pastors and church leaders: We need to continue to make a place for creative types... We need to accept them love them, and disciple them. We need to help them find a way home – to the church.

Artists: The church is where it's at! Go where God places you, and no matter what you see at the moment, remember that God has a plan, and He will see it come to pass. Just continue to be faithful in the little things, walk in integrity, and let Him prepare you for what's ahead.

- - - - - - - -

Psalm 1:3
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.”

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Gathering [Email #2..]

Today I'd like to talk about one word... GATHERING.

It's a word that's been in mind for the last week or so... and there are 3 important parts to it that I'd like to encourage you with.

As Christians that are involved with the creative arts and the media in some form or another... it is extremely important, in fact, it's vital to gather with these groups:

Firstly, we need to gather with believers. As Christians, we need encouragement. Hopefully, this message is something that will encourage you in some way... but of course it's not just enough to read messages on the internet, to listen to sermons on your Ipod, and watch Hillsong TV. Those are great things to do... but we need to get around like-minded people that can inspire and encourage us in our journey.

"As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another" (Prov 27:17)

We need other people in our lives who are believers. No matter where we are at, no matter how far we've come, we need sharpening. We need people to challenge us, and even hold us accountable when nessecary. I was just at a great "leadership development" course. I have come home feeling challenged, encouraged, and definitely sharpened. Through the course, God's spoken to me and reminded me of several things that I need to apply.

I also believe that the Scripture above can apply to people that you don't get along with so well. Often, people that you don't naturally get along with, can help you grow. Don't let people you don't like, stop you from gathering with groups of believers!

For some... because of the line of work you are in, it can be hard to find gatherings of believers. Maybe you've been travelling with a film company, and you aren't surrounded by lots of Christians... maybe you are touring with a theater group and it can be hard to find gatherings like that. But can I encourage you - where there's a will, there's a way. If you are in a city, and it's a Sunday... go for it. And here's another thought: It's usually better to join a group of believers that you might think are (for example) -religous, old-fashioned etc, than to not join one at all.

So make the effort, where ever you are at, and GATHER with other believers. It will do you a lot of good.

Hebrews puts it well: "Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching." (Hebrews 10:25)

Secondly, we need to gather with non-believers! Many of you, simply because of what you do, are around unbelievers every day. This is a good thing!

Jesus was criticized for being a "friend of sinners" (Matt 11:19)... so to us that should be a great compliment. 

When Christ is in us, it's a very attractive things to others. Let's not limit our witness because of carelessness, or loose living though! Jesus did say that we are the salt of the earth, but he also warned us about losing our saltiness!

You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. “ (Matthew 5:13)

Obviously, we shouldn't seek to become like the world, but we should certainly be connecting with people in the world. Follow your calling, follow your dreams, and make friends, and disciples as you go.

Bill Hybells recomends hobbies and avocations as the best way to connect with people who don't yet have faith. If you are doing that, that's great!

Thirdly, it is important to gather with Father, Son and Holy Spirit! The Trinity – One, yet not the same (Matthew 3:16-17). It's a beautiful thing which I will never fully comprehend... Why not talk to God now? 
Worried? Talk to God about it now! Unburden yourself before Him. Concerned about someone? Bring it before God.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phillipians 4:6-7)

There are still many things that I'm trying to figure out about life. But this one thing I know: Time with Jesus is essential!!!

There it is!
-Gather with believers
-Gather with non-believers
-Gather with Father, Son and Holy Spirit!!!

Have an awesome week!!!

Monday, July 19, 2010

Watch this and be inspired! - Phil Pringle on Creativity

I had to add a link to this blog by Phil Pringle on creativity: Watch, read and be inspired!

Phil Pringle is a man I really admire. He is a great leader, Pastor, and man of God, but also a brilliant artist.

Check out is gallery here:

God bless,


Post for 6th July [email #1..]

6th July 2008

So... God and the arts. Your called to be an artist aye? The answer is yes. Maybe you know that you are creative in some way, but you are still trying to figure out how it fits in with your life goals. Maybe you know for sure that you are called to the arts/entertainment sphere, and called to greatness in that area. Maybe you already call yourself a "film-maker". Maybe you are writing songs, and wanting to record them. Maybe you design clothes, or maybe you design computer software. If you are heading somewhere in the creative arts, or the entertainment industry, this message is for you. My encouragement to you, is that you read and respond to this.

My vision is to see Christians rise up and take over the arts and the entertainment sphere in our society. I believe that we can do this if we passionately pursue God, and if we passionately pursue our call.

6th July 2010

So, over 2 years ago, I had the idea to begin writing a monthly email/devotional/letter. To people who are called to the media/arts area of society. If you are one of those people, if you work in the entertainment industry, or if you feel like you might some day, then hopefully this will encourage you. My goal is to encourage you in your walk with your God, and to pursue His purpose for your life.

I want to talk to you about a topic that's important. I want to talk to you about prayer, but I want to talk to you about it in a way that's a bit different... I want to encourage you to see it in a different way. I want to encourage you to see prayer as simply "Spending time with God".

No matter what you've been up to today, God wants to spend time with you. God is big and incredible, but He is also incredibly personable. He wants to spend time with you today as a friend.

The bible says that God spoke to Moses face to face "as a man talks to his friend". (Ex 33:11) 2 Corinthians 3 says that we have a better convenant than the one Moses had!

Life can get busy. Things we meant to do, disciplines we meant to put in place can have a habit of slipping away... But just relax. If you stop for a moment and tune into the Spirit, you may be suprised to hear what He says... and where He leads you. He may lead you to go for a walk tonight with Him, just to talk. He may lead you to spend some time reading the Word today. Not sure where to start? Can I suggest reading Mark 1. Or John 1.. and go from there.

Just do what He puts on your heart, because He wants to spend time with you.

God bless,


Post for 1st July

6th July 2008
So... God and the arts. Your called to be an artist aye? The answer is yes. Maybe you know that you are creative in some way, but you are still trying to figure out how it fits in with your life goals. Maybe you know for sure that you are called to the arts/entertainment sphere, and called to greatness in that area. Maybe you already call yourself a "film-maker". Maybe you are writing songs, and wanting to record them. Maybe you design clothes, or maybe you design computer software. If you are heading somewhere in the creative arts, or the entertainment industry, this message is for you. My encouragement to you, is that you read and respond to this.

My vision is to see Christian to rise up and take over the arts and the entertainment sphere in our society. I believe that we can do this if we passionately pursue God, and if we passionately pursue our call.

1st July 2010

Around two years ago, I had this idea: to write a monthy email/letter/encouraging word type of thing - specifically to those who are in, or called to work in the creative arts/media arena. If you are a Christian leader or Pastor, and you care for those that are in those areas, then I believe that you will also be helped by this.

It's been a while since I first came up with this idea - and I've started writing this out a number of times. But now is the time to go for it, and send you something that will I believe help you with your walk with God.

Life gets busy. And I appreciate that you have taken time out of your schedule to read this far. I want to share with you about something more important than reading your emails, more important that browsing Twitter, it's more important than spending time practising, or personal development... I want to talk about spending time with God.

Mark 1:35

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.”

Jesus had His priorities straight. Above everything else that He had to do that day - He made spending time with His Father the priority. In this verse, it says that Jesus got up early in the morning, while it was still dark, and went off to a solitary place, by Himself, to pray. This passage has plenty to speak to us today.

There's a fair chance, that for you right now, things are busy, maybe you even feel like things are pulling at you from many different directions. So much to do, so little time... I know that feeling well, in fact so did Jesus. If we look at the above verse in context:

"The whole town gathered at the door, and Jesus healed many who had various diseases. He also drove out many demons, but he would not let the demons speak because they knew who he was.
Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed. " (Mark 1:33-35)

Do you feel like you are under pressure? Jesus had the whole town of Capernaum "gathered at the door" (v 33). Now that's pressure! Because of His past success, verse 28 says that "His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee." (NKJV) Jesus had fame!!! He had pressure from all sides, and He was living out what He was called to do (verse 34).

Yet in the midst of all this, it says that very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, and spent time with God.

How do you handle pressure? We all handle it in different ways. But trust me, one of the best ways to handle it, is to spend time with God. I read a great quote on Twitter once: "It takes time to hand your burdens over to the Lord - take time in prayer."* It's a very important key for prayer I reckon - time.

It's taken a while for me to learn the lessons of this passage in Mark, and of course I'm constantly relearning it. Personally, I love spending time with God in the mornings. Sometimes it's a discipline, sometimes I have to really MAKE myself do it, but overall, it is something I really enjoy doing. I've found that there's nothing better than starting the day spending time with God (and coffee's always nice too!) I find that spending time with God fuels me. It sustains me. There are lot's of things I struggle with, but trust me, life would be even harder for me if I didn't spend time with God every day.

No matter what you are called to do - spending time with God daily is a must. Whether you get up early, or do it during another time of the day, is between you and God. How you spend time with Him, is obviously between you and God as well! I would recomend reading the bible in there somewhere!!!

God bless you heaps as you draw near to Him.